Saturday, December 1, 2012

SO Excited

Things are happening in my life, and I couldn't be more excited!

- I can happily say that I have been hired to photograph my first wedding! Michelle & RJ have asked me to photograph their upcoming nuptials in September and I CAN'T WAIT! It is going to be such a beautiful day and I am so thankful for the both of them and their trust in me as their photographer!

- I quit my job! I had been working in public accounting for over two years. Public accounting and photography are pretty much opposites in terms of, well, just about everything. I am happy to say that I will not be going through another accounting busy season (14 hour days staring at Excel - yuck!). I am starting a new job this Monday (in finance) but it will give me better hours and more time to work on my photography business. For this, I am thankful. I pray that this new job is more interesting than the last and I make more time for photography. :)

- I just read from cover-to-cover Jasmine Star's magazine Exposed. It was like it was written especially for me. The magazine details what she went through while trying to start her photography business - her struggles, her successes, the risks she took and her faith and perseverance. It left me feeling motivated, inspired and challenged. I am thankful that she has shared her experiences. I've read her blog every day for over 3 years and she continuously inspires me. I still use everything I learned from her workshop every time I pick up my camera. Thank you, J*!! :)

- I sat down I wrote some goals I have for my photography. I am going to keep these to myself for the time being, but each time I reach one, I will happily write a post about it. These goals are what I'm using to push myself and I'm really excited to start accomplishing them!

- The day after Thanksgiving I met my best friend and her husband for some photographs at the place they were married. It was pouring down rain the day of their wedding so they weren't able to get the photographs they had dreamed of when they chose the location. This time it was a beautiful day with blue skies. Perfect for the pictures they dreamed of. More of these to come. I'm excited to see new things for Shannon Ott Photography coming up. :)


Anonymous December 2, 2012 at 2:12 PM  

:) You are an inspiration!

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